


Subha wanted to provide the highest quality care; this meant that most of the workday had to go into seeing patients. 

Finding the right specialists, like medical billers and digital marketers, would be a job unto itself and eat into the time Subha could spend with her patients.

That commercial landlords in the most desirable locations did not want to lease out small spaces, and that existing co-working options did not meet the needs of healthcare and medical practices.


a cooperative relationship (as between two persons or groups)

SymbiosisPractice in a Box, INC


CEO, Co-Founder

Arun Mallikarjunan

Arun began Symbiosis in 2017 with his wife Subha, a physical therapist. The idea of Symbiosis took root in late night kitchen table discussions where Subha and Arun worked out a means to solve the ocean of problems that Subha, like many other healthcare professionals, faced when opening her own practice. Arun was able to incorporate his professional expertise in business, operations, and IT to create a revolutionary solution for healthcare providers who want to start and grow their practice.

Subha Nagasubramanian

Subha is the co-founder and COO of Symbiosis. Coupled with her passion for physical therapy and with a Bachelor of Physical Therapy, a Post Professional Masters in Orthopedic Physical Therapy and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, Subha has over 15 year of experience as a successful physical therapist. In that time Subha has also worked as a clinic director and as the owner of her own private practice, this has enabled Subha to experience the entire spectrum of the patient care life-cycle.
Vice President of Operations

Arun Philip

Arun Philip joined Symbiosis in 2020 and oversees all aspects of operations. Arun has over 16 years of leadership experience delivering outcome-based business value, including his tenure at big four IT consulting firms. He has executed large scale, complex, and high-risk multimillion dollar initiatives delivered via Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions.
Director of Sales & Marketing

Seung-Ho Jung

Seung-Ho joined Symbiosis in 2019, he graduated from Johns Hopkins University with Honors in International Relations and East Asian Studies with minors in History and Economics, He also has a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center. Seung-Ho has worked as a Firm Administrator for a public interest law firm and in sales in Forex.